Songs o' Socke
The RealAudio-Files!

The audience is listening

It took a while, but it's finally there: RealAudio let's you have an ear! Use these clips to inform about what suspect?! and subROSA really sound(ed) like.  Yet the live and demo takes are no longer up-to-date as several regroupings followed. Still, it's great to get a first impression of what's all the fuzz of suspect?! and of subROSA about.

These clips are optimized for use with RealPlayer from V3.0 on (mono, for slow modems).

Every piece of music is © 1998 by Oliver Ding. These compositions are copyright protected by national and international rights. Publishing and spreading unless under my name is strictly prohibited. The music may be used and spread for non-commercial use only, if remaining unmodified. Any form of commercial use is ruled out unless it is asked for.

I know about the poor sound quality, but this is for first impressions not for HiFi love affairs ;-) Most of these songs also come as MIDI-files or as Mpeg3-files. Please tell me how you like the clips. I appreciate every single comment. Just post it to

If you still haven't got your own RealPlayer or your browser didn't come with the PlugIn, you should have a look at RealNetworks. There should be a RealAudio-PlugIn for WinAmp available now.

Socke speaking loud and clear ;)
e-mail me!


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