Music by Heiko Eversmeyer and
Oliver Ding and words
© 11/18/1992 by Oliver Ding
She was no-one to agree to everything too easily.
They made her leave all she owned, her friends, her child, her home.
Across the border late at night, only fear was by her side.
When she arrived, they gave her no hand in this foreign land.
And then the night comes again and with it the fear of these men,
Knocking at her door to make her cry and she don't know why.
Breaking through her door, wanting her to die and she don't know why.
No sooner had she forgotten the fears, no sooner had she dried her tears,
Than the shadows she had seen came to her window's screen.
A sudden scream, a flash of light in the middle of the night
And the dangers that she fled came to her bed.
And then the night comes again and with it the fear of these men,
Knocking at her door to make her cry and she don't know why.
Breaking through her door, wanting her to die and she don't know why.
Nacht zum Ostersonntag 1991:
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Why? (Leider gibt's noch kein Soundfile)
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